

The registration and use of the Audials account is free and has lots of benefits.


The registration and use of the "Audials Services" that is the "Audials Forum", the "Audials Community" and the "Audials Software Services" is completely free for you. Press "Accept" if you agree with the rules mentioned below. You will then be able to register. User data provided on registration are not passed to third parties.

Even though administrators and moderators of "Audials Services" try to delete or edit all unwanted posts, it is impossible for them to check all the posts, manually. All the posts express the opinion of the respective author, thus the owners and operators of "Audials Services" and developers of any used third-party-software cannot be held responsible for the content of those posts.

By registering, you agree not to post messages that are vulgar, impolite, disrespectful or that express (extreme) political views or (verbal) law offences.

Additionally, the Administrators and Moderators of the "Audials Services" have the right to edit or even delete, to shift or to close topics and comments and deactivate or delete user accounts in case of unethical behaviour (inter alia) and they do not have to give any reasons for that.

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