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James Blunt: Monsters 

Oh, before they turn off all the lights 
I won't read you your wrongs or your rights 
The time has gone 
I'll tell you goodnight, close the door 
Tell you I love you once more 
The time has gone 
So here it is 

I'm not your son, you're not my father 
We're just two grown men saying goodbye 
No need to forgive, no need to forget 
I know your mistakes and you know mine 
And while you're sleeping, I'll try to make you proud 
So daddy, won't you just close your eyes? 
Don't be afraid, it's my turn 
To chase the monsters away 

Oh, well I'll read a story to you 
Only difference is this one is true 
The time has gone 
I folded your clothes on the chair 
I hope you sleep well, don't be scared 
The time has gone 
So here it is 

I'm not your son, you're not my father 
We're just two grown men saying goodbye 
No need to forgive, no need to forget 
I know your mistakes and you know mine 
And while you're sleeping, I'll try to make you proud 
So daddy, won't you just close your eyes? 
Don't be afraid, it's my turn 
To chase the monsters away 

Sleep a lifetime 
Yes, and breathe a last word 
You can feel my hand on your own 
I will be the last one, so I'll leave a light on 
Let there be no darkness in your heart 

But I'm not your son, you're not my father 
We're just two grown men saying goodbye 
No need to forgive, no need to forget 
I know your mistakes and you know mine 
And while you're sleeping, I'll try to make you proud 
So daddy, won't you just close your eyes? 
Don't be afraid, it's my turn 
To chase the monsters away 

Interpretation of Monsters

In this very emotional song the narrator says farewell to his father who probably is terminally ill. The son tries to consolate and to calm the father: “Don’t be afraid, it’s my turn to chase the monsters away”. As it is indicated in this quotation, father and son change their roles. This idea reappears when the son says that he wants to read a story to the father and that this story, however, would be true. The son also says that he would do his best so that the father can be proud of him. This is also a way of comforting. 

Reading a story as well as the “Sleep in a lifetime” in the last verse is an old metaphor indicating that death is similar to sleep. Comparing death to something harmless aims at taking away the father’s fear of it. 

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