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LANY - If This Is the Last Time

Hey mom, I know
We're getting old
And the lines on our hands have changed
But you still look at me the same

Hey Mom, guess what?
You're really tough
And I know you did all you could
Just to make sure my life was good

Sorry for the fights and the tone of my voice
Sorry for the nights when I made the wrong choice
Life is flying by and it's hitting me now
I hope it's not but

If this is the last time please come close
I love you with all my heart, you know
I don't wanna cry, I'm bad at goodbye
If this is the last time
Then let's do the things we always do
Like go to the mall and buy some shoes
I don't wanna cry, I'm bad at goodbye
If this is the last time

Hey dad, what's up?
Miss you so much
Yeah, the shade of your hair is changed
But I look up to you the same

Taught me how to fish, taught me how to ride a bike
Taught me how to love, how to treat a woman right
Life is flying by and it's hitting me now
I hope it's not but

If this is the last time please come close
I love you with all my heart, you know
I don't wanna cry, I'm bad at goodbye
If this is the last time
Then let's do the things we always do
Like go for a drive or watch the news
I don't wanna cry, I'm bad at goodbye
If this is the last time

Hey you, sit back
Don't go so fast

If this is the last time please come close
I love you with all my heart, you know
I don't wanna cry, I'm bad at goodbye
If this is the last time
So let's do the things we always do
Or maybe we try something brand new
I don't wanna cry, I'm bad at goodbye
If this is the last time

If this is the last time
If this is the last time
If this is the last time
If this is the last time
If this is the last time
If this is the last time

Interpretation of If This Is the Last Time

In the song “If This Is the Last Time” by LANY a narrator bids farewell to his parents. Suddenly he has become aware that they have grown old and that he can lose them at any time: “Life is flying by and it's hitting me now”. Every moment he spends with them is invaluable, even if they just go shopping or make a trip together. The narrator sees only now how many problems his mother had with him and that nevertheless, she affectionately took care for him. 

The band wants us to get aware that we can lose the people we have close relations with and that we really understand this when it is almost too late. LANY appeals to us that we should pay more attention to them to avoid the mistake of the narrator. 

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